Marketing and referral development
Worksheets for private practice dietitians
You are a private practice dietitian and are struggling to get referrals from physicians. It is not just leaving your packet at the doctor's offices about the fact you are in business and are ready to teach their patients.
Or perhaps you have been "marketing" without the results of more clients and more revenue?
The marketing and referral worksheets are designed to help you identify your focus in marketing and how to build a long lasting relationship with physicians and other providers.
You also need to measure the results from your efforts. What are you doing that is working well? What do you need to change? The toolkit will help you answer these questions so you are focused in your process and see results from your efforts.
Toolkit and worksheets includes the following to identify your focus for marketing and referral efforts and to help keep you on track as you implement your plan:
Benjamin Franklin said If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
These worksheets and daily planner will help you succeed with your marketing referral plan by:
Juanita Weaver-Reiss MBA MPH RD LD CDCES CLT
Marketing and referral Workbooks
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